Silly stuff

We had some good chat this morning in Fogbound…

Other than that, I am about to claim my free abode in the new av. Spent time with a good friend the other day and I feel more positive and refreshed today. Learning some new things about myself as well – always a positive experience (because IF it was negative, it would be a trait to get rid of… ha!).

The rest of the day I will probably spend exploring… I have some questions I need answered from a different friend before I can get started on a new project. And it’s pet care day, so there’s that…

update 3pm

Set up a new small house on mainland. nice bed with lighting, curtains… It’s a small 512 meters parcel but all I need.

Screened the hillside on the back. Put in small bar type kitchen and fridge. Added desk, chair and mock computer. Colored the indoor and outdoor walls. Put in matching flower boxes, trees and some of my favorite purple flowers. Looks good. Nice view. Just figured I’d use my free 512 tier free meters until I upgrade. Home away from home. lol I’d have gotten a Linden home, but they only come with the 11.99/mo, not the 5.99.

A few photos on the wall and one of the outdoor showers and I should be set.

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