It’s been so long since I posted anything. This whole month I’ve been spending most of my time with Warrio and we’ve been shopping and dancing and chatting both voice and video and basically having a good time. We tell each other good morning and good night outside of the grid worlds.
He asked me to partner in 2nd life as well as AMV and we did and will also partner in Neverworld grid. We dance in the AM, shop and plan and explore the rest of the day and then go dancing at night as well. His region in AMV is now attached to mine and we have a beautiful bridge that goes across.
It’s been a beautiful couple of weeks and I have been much too much busy to write much. I am currently working on the makings of a garden in AMV as well as us figuring out what to have as home in Neverworld.
In Secondlife we live in my house on my small parcel and also go to his island home. The alts have been moved to an apartment building and I mostly plan to retire them except as holders for extra groups and for shopping. All of them have friended Warrio and he can see their locations if/when they are on. I keep no secrets.
So it’s been quite the whirlwind romance and currently we are putting together a wedding in AMV with the support of our good friends there.