A little piece of heaven comes once in a while
A little piece of heaven she carries around
But a little piece of heaven is not meant for earth
And a little piece of heaven sure don't last long.
It traveled across this life like a train
Now it's here, and now it's gone.
Like a leaf on a river flowed,
And left behind just this here song.
Some things were not meant to be,
Not for her life anyway,
Some in life get all they want
As they put on a big display.
And yet grateful for that piece
Of heaven that crossed her path that day
They walked upon the earth beneath
When heaven sent a piece to play.
Someday perhaps she'll find again
When she exits this wide earth
Until then the memory
Awakened things to a new birth.
(needs fixing, but I must sleep)
4-16-24 by Sagefairy